I know 2020 has been a wild ride for all of us – some of us are feeling a little overwhelmed and unclear as to what steps to take next, but for a moment I’d like you to imagine if you could …

  • Find the job or career path that will utilize your unique strengths and talents you have to offer.
  • Gain Clarity on where you want to go and what are the necessary steps to take.
  • How to properly set goals & develop habits and behaviors to attain them.
  • Discover your strengths & talents and how to utilize them to reach your full potential in your professional & personal life.
  • Connect with people (customers & clients) on a much deeper level.
  • How to develop resilience & thrive every day.
  • Build a business aligned with your purpose.

Sounds like something you’d be interested in?

I know 2020 has been a wild ride for all of us – some of us are feeling a little overwhelmed and unclear as to what steps to take next, but for a moment I’d like you to imagine if you could …

  • Find the job or career path that will utilize your unique strengths and talents you have to offer.
  • Gain Clarity on where you want to go and what are the necessary steps to take.
  • How to properly set goals & develop habits and behaviors to attain them.
  • Discover your strengths & talents and how to utilize them to reach your full potential in your professional & personal life.
  • Connect with people (customers & clients) on a much deeper level.
  • How to develop resilience & thrive every day.
  • Build a business aligned with your purpose.

Sounds like something you’d be interested in?

Self- Awareness-Planning-Action (SPA) Workshop


Self Awareness to Purpose

Learn your deeper WHY – your driving force?

Discover your strengths – the unique gifts you have.

Values – the core values that keep you anchored and directed.

A powerful visualization exercise to create a vision for your life.


Planning to Vision

Learn how to blend your strengths along with your passion to create a role or business that will connect with people & bring you an income!

What problems do people face and how can you solve them in a practical hands-on way that brings you financial gain and fulfils you?

Who do you want to work & connect with?

How can you serve your customers better

What are your goals?

What are the key habits and behaviors you need to implement in order to get to where you want to be?


Action to Success

You will learn how to manage your time effectively & efficiently – working smarter not harder.

You will gain the tools on how to have the mindset needed to stay consistent & succeed.

We will discover the different ways to grow your business or yourself – consistently & practically, utilizing who you are.

Learn how to develop your resilience so you can thrive every day of your life

Build -Operate-Sales- Service (BOSS) Workshop


Build Your Business

You will learn how to legitimize your business and register your business with the state and federal government.

You will gain the tools to register your business

Learn how to develop a business plan and budget

You will learn about insurance that may be necessary in your business

You will learn about building business credit and how to find grants


Operate Your Business

You will gain access to the necessary tools to operate your business

You will learn how to get your business bookkeeping setup

You will learn about Taxes and your business


Sales in Your Business

Learn how to get your ideal client

You will learn how to close your sales

Gain blueprint to how to get clients organically


Service Your Business

Learn how to automate your business to ensure your customers are hearing from you

Gain knowledge of what systems to use to keep up with the industry

Learn how to create your business website in minutes


Workshop SPA-BOSS Series is 12 weekly sessions on Monday’s from 6pm to 8pm EST on Zoom

We send Accountability emails weekly; you will receive an invite to our private FB Support Group with lifetime membership. We also have a mastermind session for all graduates 1 month after you last workshop– all free of charge.

If this is something you are interested in, please APPLY by completing the form below and we will set up an interview, If you qualify and it’s a good fit for you, we will get you enrolled in one of our upcoming workshops. You can also email us at customersmatter@tkoneal.com

Phone: 833-856-4357   |   Email: support@tkoneal.com