A Business & Personal Development Strategist

I’m a coffee fanatic, sunshine loving, international travel fan & fully recovered people pleaser. I am currently living the life I once thought I could only have dreamed of.

Throughout my younger years and most of my adult years, I was walking through life so unclear & lost – ultimately, completely disconnected from who I am, my passions and my purpose. I wanted more, yet I had no idea how to get more out of life, it felt as though I had no guidance.

(…If you’re feeling like this, then keep reading because I am passionate about helping women with big vision gain clarity on the root of what’s keeping them stuck & help them create an action plan to live their desired reality.)

Until, one day I realized that we have all the answers inside of us, we only need to listen.

Over the years I learned all the skills, techniques, and different processes we need to create our most authentic and fulfilling life and achieve our deepest desires.

My knowledge and experience on the ways we self-sabotage, how our subconscious mind co-establishes our reality and how clarity births empowerment has been key in helping my clients gain awareness, release their blocks, and move forward in achieving their goals with clear vision, joy and ease. I help women to package their God given gifts, skills, and experiences to create a successful business.

I am so grateful to work with the most motivated, passionate, and committed clients. Most of my clients meet me feeling completely lost, stuck, or disempowered, sometimes the holy trinity.

  • If you are currently experiencing blocks in your life & business…
  • If you want to find your place in this world…your destined purpose…
  • If you are in something you are not aligned to e.g. a career, a place in your business, a relationship or even a state of mind…
  • If you are in the process of rebuilding your life e.g after a toxic workplace environment, a troubled relationship, a big life transition…
  • If you are struggling with consistency and confidence…
  • If you want to start a business but lack the knowledge, resources and/or know how to get started…


  •  Self-awareness & self-assessment
  •  Solution based strategies
  •  Reframing
  •  Rewriting beliefs
  •  Subconscious programming
  •  & so much more

Together we will lead you to your most empowered self, living the life you desire.

My Background
Ordained Minister
MBA Mediation and Dispute Resolution
Business Coach and Personal Development 
Founder of 5 operating businesses

Working together through Group and 1:1 coaching, we will gain clarity on the root of your problems and using a series of different modalities, create & implement techniques to move you forward with momentum, fun and ease.

Lets create clarity, evoke empowerment and activate alignment 🙂

Topics we can work on:

1. Business Development

2. Personal Development

3. Goals & Systems

4. Purpose

5. Mindset

6. Confidence

7. Self-Worth

SPA-BOSS Framework follows Group session model. 1:1* is for deeper work.

Ready for your No Cost Strategy Session?

I connected with Tuwanna for coaching to assist with confidence, uncovering my purpose and starting my business.

Tuwanna has taught me so many things in the last year, I can honestly say I learned more from her in a year than anyone I have ever met. I started with her not knowing much at all. When I started, I was so nervous because I did not want to fail. I would always tell her I’m afraid to disappoint my family an those who look to me or make a mistakes.  She would always ask me how I can succeed if you never fail? My journey has been amazing in its self and was very inspiring. This was part of the conversation Tuwanna and I had when we first met. Tuwanna has taught me to be a strong positive woman. I also learned that anything that you want if you see it, think it, you will be it and or can achieve it… I uncovered my purpose. She always tells me it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey, I thought I was always the other way around but no she’s right. There is so much positive to this amazing, beautiful, caring woman I can go on and on. Tuwanna, you have forever changed me for the better, and I know you will help so many more people with your amazing gift from God.

Carmen Valdiviezo


I know 2020 has been a wild ride for all of us – some of us are feeling a little overwhelmed and unclear as to what steps to take next, but for a moment Iʼd like you to imagine if you could …




Phone: 833-856-4357   |   Email: support@tkoneal.com